Photography provided by Greg Brophy

The Salon hosts events exposing artists and audiences to new perspectives and ideas by showcasing established and emerging artists. Quarterly gatherings over the past two years have featured classical and contemporary vocalists and musicians, visual artists of all mediums, filmmakers and photographers, theatre artists, poets and writers, activists, and many more who defy description. In simply engaging and presenting their work, artists chosen to participate represent a range of diverse backgrounds and experiences and promote compassion and community by sharing their unique perspectives. Artists and Audiences alike have an opportunity to find their voices by using them to explore and communicate.


Our Mission

"Connecting people by providing a place to explore and appreciate ideas and diverse viewpoints."

In the evening I take a cab to a soireé. It’s an old-time idea of a salon, set in a modern loft, where visual arts, theatre, and classical music are showcased together. Two African-American actors read from a play about war, and racism in the army. Then, a comedian dressed in platinum spandex slaps a man on his forehead to encourage him to finally admit that he is gay. She is so politically incorrect, that even his wife is laughing. A photographer from Canada shows images of workers on sugar cane plantations. There is both deep humanity and beauty in these shots.

Meg curated and mixed the event in a great way, I feel a rush of joy. That which is good inside of us is present here. Fear cannot win over this feeling, and isolate us in ways so that we lose touch with compassion for human suffering. (My new movie subject is not being born easily, but this last sentiment will certainly be part of it.)
— Anabela Zigova,, Feb. 15th, 2016